Wednesday, September 1, 2010

And then there were 4

Let’s continue with catching up for August. Sick babies was a natural consequence of the new school, which I will save for a later rant. That brings us to the newest additions to my home that I have to feed and clean. Fish. Boring fish. Idiot Husband’s idea. Fish? We ended up at the pet store last Sunday to see the adoption animals. The cute furry kind. We somehow ended up showing the kids “Nemos”. An hour later we are setting up a tank at our house. The boy and girl each have a stool to stand on to get a better view of their new pets, aka mommy’s new responsibility.
And what am I asked constantly by the boy?
“where Nemo mama, where Nemo?”
The boy repeats everything twice. To ensure he is heard, or to emphasize the importance of his inquisitiveness, I’m not sure. Anyway, I point at a fish and tell him there is Nemo.
“no mama, not Nemo, that is fish.”
So Idiot Husband has successfully bought plain old fish. No Nemos. Therefore, no interest to the children. Which is a good thing since only one week in, and there is one less Nemo.

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